Biogenic Aloe Vera Tonic Sale

The soothing ingredient for optimal gut health and digestion.
  • Regular price $24.90
You know that feeling after you've eaten when your tummy feels swollen and bloated? And clothes get a little more uncomfortable for awhile? This bloating is usually caused by excess gas production or poor digestion, and can be painful and unpleasant if it's not managed. The good news is that a healthy gastrointestinal system supported by Aloe Vera will be less likely to cause bloating and discomfort.
  • Supports your gastrointestinal health for smooth + natural digestion
  • Supports your digestion + soothes bloating
  • Supports a healthy balance of beneficial bacteria
  • Supports you with healthy intestinal function + elimination

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Biogenic Aloe Vera Tonic

The soothing ingredient for optimal gut health and digestion.

    We truly believe the most natural and effective nutrition for the human body is found in plant-based whole foods.