Getting started with a plant-based diet

A good starting place to eating a wholefood, plant-based diet is to make sure your diet is rich in vegetables – including root vegetables, fruit of all types, legumes and pulses, grains and cereals in their natural whole form. Nuts and seeds also fall into this list, a handful a day is recommended. Eating a rainbow of colours from fruits and vegetables each day not only makes your meals look great, but it also provides a wide variety of tasty, whole food nutrients to boost our energy and our body’s daily processes.
If the idea seems overwhelming then start small with some easy to implement changes. You could commit to using whole grains like oats for breakfast, and whole-grain breads instead of the processed white variety. Designate some meat-free meals throughout the week – for example, try using chickpeas, kidney beans, quinoa or lentils, add sprouts and mushrooms to a salad with a couple of chopped walnuts.
The next step might be to commit to completely plant-based day(s) within the week. The health benefits of a wholefood, plant-based diet are well documented in scientific research, books, and documentaries. The health benefits can include having more energy, clear and radiant skin, healthy weight management and supporting healthy blood sugar balance. Your bowels will love the extra fibre to help keep it swept clean and your body will find it easier to rid itself of toxins.