The ultimate wellness tool – self compassion

The practice of looking after others is a common daily task for many people. But applying the same love and care to ourselves can be easily overlooked. Self-compassion means self kindness, being caring, understanding, supportive and nurturing to yourself, just like we do for others when they need us too. True self-compassion is having unconditional acceptance for yourself, with an understanding that we will make mistakes and human error will occur but acting with forgiveness for yourself and believing in your own self-worth is practising self-compassion.
Self-compassion teaches us the ultimate self-care tool for well-being. Helping better our behavior and everyday life. An ancient Buddha quote states, “If your compassion does not include yourself, it is incomplete”. Our inner compassion helps us to understand others and connect with each other, this also includes ourselves, if we have low compassion for ourselves, we may also lack forgiveness and understanding for our inner self. The deeper gift and beauty we can find in practising self-compassion is the simple stress relief it can give us, helping provide clarity and more understanding into our daily lives.
Self-compassion helps us to learn to release emotions and let go of what may not be benefiting us anymore. As we learn to forgive and accept our own self, we also may see and feel the same for others.
Like any new habit we need to practice it for us to feel the most benefit from it. Usually a month is a good time frame to allow a new habit to form and become part of your normal routine. Self-compassion can start as little moments within our day and naturally as it becomes familiar and feels more normal, we will include it more as we go along.
Self-compassion grows with practice and time and will become a valuable addition and helpful part of our life. As it benefits more than just the individual practising it, extending its beneficial effects out to your family and friends through you. You will find yourself practising it through out your day without even being aware of its inclusion.
The four ways to self-compassion
- Forgiveness – Learning to forgive our mistakes and move forward knowing that being human, we will have mistakes in our life and that is okay. They can be our greatest teachers and provide us with important lessons. Letting go of the idea of zero mistakes helps free us and supports our emotional health.
- Embracing gratitude – Keeping a journal or including gratitude walks or other gratitude activities into our day or week can help us in keeping track of gratitude. We all experience struggles in our life and its okay to have days or times were this is overwhelming. Finding what makes us happy, often are the very things that make us feel gratitude. It can be the very simple, such as a beautiful sunrise on a quiet morning or maybe just before bed, when everything is still and you get to have that peaceful moment to yourself, before the next day begins again.
- Mindfulness – Being mindful helps keep us in the moment, allowing thoughts to come in and let them go, no attachment or reaction. Just the freedom to let them go and accept the present time. Meditation techniques can help support mindfulness, learning how to declutter head-space and include relaxation is beneficial for our overall health, helping ease stress levels and find the off switch for a cluttered mind.
- Growth Mindset – Recognising that our challenging situations will pass and they can help us, offering opportunities for personal growth. Certain difficulties can help us become more resilient and push us to achieve or do more then we ever thought possible. Some extreme situations or events can also have the opposite effect, depleting and adversely impacting our emotional health.
In situations where we need more support, finding someone to talk with such as counselor or health professional can help depending on your individual need. Having a healthy outlet supports our well-being, whether that is gardening, yoga, spending time with family and friends, reading or a form of exercise and including a favorite hobby in our week. Helps us release endorphins (our feel good hormones) and de-stress. All of these act as a contributing factors to help our emotional health and can support us in getting back on track. Incorporating a healthy sleep cycle with vital nutrients is an essential part of wellness and further supports a healthy mindset.