The essential guide for stress and recovery

As we begin to restart and pick up our familiar routine and for many the new way of working, we also increase our potential for feelings of stress. Learning new ways of doing and adapting are often vital ingredients for our health, helping us with personal growth and our everyday life.
But alongside the new can come stress and worry about it all and this is normal when we are learning to re-adjust to anything that is new to us. Short-term stress can help inspire and motivate us but being in a state of long-term stress can be weary and exhausting on us. Our nervous system can be left feeling drained and our adrenal health may also struggle.
Our sleep cycle can be greatly affected by constant stress, studies have shown that getting a good night’s sleep helps us much more just providing adequate physical rest. Lack of sleep is believed to be linked to high blood pressure, cardiovascular health, mood issues and loneliness. Recent information is showing us that our sleep helps to regulate our emotions, support cognitive performance and our immune recovery ability.
Fitting in enough sleep-time plays a large role in our overall well-being to our recovery and immune health. Our sleep health does more then provide rest it helps us to function at our best, whether that is for everyday well-being, peak physical performance or for better brain health.
Our sleep etiquette or routine can help to encourage a restful night, by switching off devices, our phones or computers and any blue light emitting electronics. Implementing these simple activities into our evening routine can gently assist relaxation to happen. Having less light exposure close to bedtime helps to activate our melatonin production in the body (our sleep hormone). Magnesium further helps to assist healthy melatonin release in the body, encouraging a restful sleep. A healthy sleep cycle is a natural way to support our wellness, recovery ability and help maintain a healthy mood.
Vital nutrients such as magnesium help nourish and support a healthy nervous system. Magnesium is responsible for over 300 cellular reactions in the body. This well-known mineral is essential for our circadian sleep cycle. Renowned for its relaxing effect and helping with muscle tension and recovery. Magnesium supports muscle relaxation by acting as a natural calcium blocker, helping our muscle cells relax.
When our magnesium levels are low, your muscles may contract too much and the result can be muscle tightness. The beneficial actions of magnesium help us relax and assist our muscle health, alongside our recovery. Natural magnesium can be highly bio-available and a sustainable option. Naturally sourced magnesium contains other trace elements and minerals to further help uptake and absorption, helping to give you a optimal result.
A daily serve of natural magnesium can help settle the nervous system, find calm and support muscle recovery. Magnesium helps both pre and post work out recovery by supporting glucose metabolism and uptake in the body helping its release during and after exercise. Helping the recovery by assisting muscles with normal glucose regulation when they need it most of it all. Other superfood supplements such as spirulina, astaxanthin and a natural B complex or vitamin C from the super-fruit acerola berry all help body recovery and are important vitamins and nutrients for general health and stress support.
Feeling stressed often involves low mood. Especially if the stress is on-going then stress can begin to affect our mood and our everyday health. Our stress response impacts on our immune health. Up to 80 percent of our immune cells are located within our gut and stress can affect our friendly gut bacteria and health. Making our immunity, the stress response and gut health intrinsically linked. Magnesium also plays an essential role in the release of our feel-good mood neurotransmitters, serotonin, melatonin, and dopamine. Our gut also has an important role in our brain and mood health. Probiotic studies have shown that our friendly gut bacteria help the healthy two-way conversation between our brain and gut function, helping our mood, relaxation and support stress levels.
There are certain probiotic strains that are scientifically researched to help lower cortisol and help mood balance during stressful times. Alongside vital nutrients such as magnesium, B vitamins and vitamin C, probiotics can also help support mood, immunity and our everyday health. Supporting our gut, immune and nervous system helps with stress and recovery time for daily wellness and optimal health.