Hello Aloe! The amazing benefits of Aloe Vera

The medicinal use of Aloe vera dates back over 5,000 years, where the dried latex (the yellow layer found just beneath the outer green skin) was used as a laxative and the inner gel for wound healing. Egyptians called Aloe ‘the plant of immortality' and added it to the baths of Queen Nefertiti and Cleopatra. It was also believed to have been used for embalming and today Egyptians continue to hang it over the door of a new house so the occupants will live a long and fruitful life.
With over 500 species of this easy to cultivate plant we are spoiled for choice, but the one most commonly used for its therapeutic effects is Aloe barbadensis Mill (aka Aloe barbadensis).
Aloe’s healing properties were used traditionally by the ancients for centuries and spread to countries all around the world from its native North Africa. Initially in Greece, Mexico, China, India, the West Indies, it’s now found on almost all continents today.
Traditional use of Aloe vera gel tells of it being used topically on burns to support the healing process and to reduce inflammation and scarring. The Greek physician Dioscorides described Aloe vera gel being used on “wounds, mouth infections, soothe itching and sores”.
Aloe vera’s gel is well known for these same uses today. On the body we know it for its cooling and moisturising effect, and for helping to support hot, red skin complaints like burns, abrasions, and sunburn, as well as being used in cosmetic products for hair, face, dental, oral, and skincare.
And, like any great herbal remedy that’s worth its weight in gold, Aloe vera can be used on the inside as well. Aloe vera contains unique phytonutrients that help to soothe the lining of your intestinal tract from top to bottom and support your natural digestive processes. The inner leaf gel, when made into a juice can be taken internally to support a range of digestive complaints like digestive discomfort, digestive irritation, or irregular bowel function
Aloe can help support a healthy response to:
- Indigestion
- Reflux
- Heartburn
- Bloating
- Gas
- Irregular bowel movements
- Intestinal discomfort
- Dry skin
- Sunburn
- Burns
- Sensitive skin
- Skin irritation
Note: Always follow the instructions for use on the label. Lifestream Aloe Vera Tonic is for internally use only. Lifestream Aloe Vera Gel products are made for topical use only.
Lifestream Aloe vera Tonic is not recommended in pregnancy, breastfeeding and children under 2 years old. If you are taking hypoglycaemic medication consult with your healthcare professional first.
Support your digestion + skin with Lifestream's Aloe Vera range
Aloe Calm - supports stress-related digestive discomfort
Biogenic® Aloe Vera Tonic - an easy to take drink that helps to soothe the lining of your intestinal tract from top to bottom, and supports your natural digestive processes.
Biogenic® Aloe Vera Capsules - easy to take capsules that help to soothe the lining of your intestinal tract from top to bottom, and supports your natural digestive processes. Great option at work, travelling or in your bag.
Biogenic® Aloe Vera gel pump - soothes dry and stressed skin