The six ways to finding energy

Feeling low in energy impacts many of us. From taking care of families, households and a busy lifestyle having poor energy can affect our mood and potential to get the most out of our day or week. There are many reasons why low energy may result. The common factors that can contribute to energy loss are nutrient deficiencies, dietary choices, poor gut health, hormone issues, mood, busy lifestyles, being unwell or recovery and lack of sleep can all influence our day to day energy ability.
Getting on top of the everyday causes for poor energy is often not easy. As we step back into our daily routines each day remains the same busy and the required energy output needed may not change within the busy lifestyle to meet the actual energy reserves within the individual. Getting enough energy from our daily life is an essential way to staying well, helping to naturally boost our energy levels and set up our potential well-being.
Recent information shows that parents may experience some form of burn out – feeling exhausted, with some individuals just in general feeling exhausted for most of the time. With an estimated nearly 50 percent of people in work also feeling exhausted with low energy. How do we overcome the exhausted feeling? There are effective ways to boost energy and include it back into our day.
Helping support healthy energy levels, also supports our total wellness as our energy level is often a reflection of our inner health. When we have adequate absorption of nutrients, good gut health and rest and recovery this works to help set us up for the week ahead. Helping find vitality and wellness for our everyday health.
- Meaningful connections – Research shows the power in our social connections and how our connections are one of our most essential well-being tools. Who and how we spent our time has a great effect on our happiness and feelings of contentedness. Less vitality is also linked to being lonely and feeling less connected. Spending time with family and friends and all those close to you can help to energise you. Volunteering and helping others such as acts of altruism all help to nourish us on a deeper level and connect with like-minded people.
- The work-life balance – Finding enough time for all that we are passionate about can be tiring and be stressful in its own way. If we are someone who thrives on longer work hours and there is fulfillment in it then this can be part of what is good for us, if work stimulates and energises you. But if it is only stressful with no flexibility or contentment and there is no time for you then it may be out of balance. Flexibility and autonomy can help us feel more in balance and often increases productivity. Finding what works best for you and the balance that suits you well is a vital part of your wellness and we are all different as to what that may be. Learning what works best for you to thrive within your immediate environment helps to energise and motivate us to reach our inner potential.
- Hydration – A simple but essential way to help daily energy. During the cooler months like winter-time it is easy not to drink as much. It is believed up to 75 percent of people are often dehydrated. Setting it as a habit can help and buying a water bottle that you like and is user friendly can be a proven way of encouraging you to drink more. Including scheduled breaks to go and get a drink of water whether at home or in the office helps to set a easier routine and habit for ourselves. More hydration helps with energy, a clearer mind, skin, digestion and our everyday health. With the general rule of thumb starting from 6-8 glasses of water daily.
- Dietary factors – Wholefoods help us with easy to use phytonutrients, vitamins and minerals from superfoods sources. Super plant nutrients help keep us energised and protect against radical cell damage in the body. Super fruits such as berries, papaya, cherries, black currants and kiwifruit are full of potent polyphenols for health helping vitality and energy. The humble but super green vegetables like spinach, silver beet and broccoli all can help to provide further bioactive nutrition. Super wholefood plant nutrition like spirulina can help to naturally provide a energy boost and vital plant nutrients for health.
- Exercise – The amount of exercise that works well for you and gives you the ultimate energy boost will be individual from person to person. Find what works well for you, whether that is more then 7 hours per week or if it is 30 minutes a day. The type of exercise is also individual to what works for you, any movement is beneficial for mood, muscle health, metabolism and well-being. Choosing something you enjoy and including a regular routine that suits your week best will help give energy and revitalise.
- Our sleep hours – The amount of time we put into our sleep hours has an important impact on our mood, wellness and energy levels. Getting enough sleep allows body and mind recovery including supporting healthy detoxification making us feel better. Sufficient sleep hours is thought to support our brain, liver and gut health as it acts on our neurotransmitter production, detox pathways and gut bacteria. Including enough sleep helps us in many ways, the recommended amount of sleep is 7-9 hours for adults with more hours needed for young children and teenagers depending on the individual. Our sleep hours are just as important as our work hours or time we put aside for exercise or hobbies. Helping to naturally energise us.
Being well and boosting our energy can be part of our everyday life with the right support of nutrients, sleep and emotional health, for better vitality and a more energised contented you.