Health and Wellness Tips

Looking for tips to improve your skin, body, or mental and emotional health? Read our health and wellness blogs for reliable advice by experts in the industry.

Often when we think of skin care, the first thing we tend to think about are topical lotions, potions and treatments that we apply to our face. While these activities will support your skin, there is no disputing the fact that healthy skin does indeed start from within. While eating a balanced and nutritious diet is essential, sometimes a little help in the form a supplement can further help to support your skin. In this blog, Naturopath and Medical Herbalist Kim Wessels shares her picks for the best supplements for healthy skin.

astaxanthin, Astazan Antioxidant, Chlorella, collagen, Collagen Booster, Omega-3, probiotics, Probiotics 14 Strains, skin, skincare, Vegan Omega-3, vitamin C

Astaxanthin (as-ta-ZAN-thin) - This potent broad spectrum antioxidant is known to improve skin appearance by protecting it from free radical damage - from the inside out. It's also known to support brain, eye, cardiovascular health, muscle and exercise recovery and more. Read on to learn more about the benefits of amazing astaxanthin.

Algae, Antioxidant, astaxanthin, Astazan Antioxidant, brain, exercise, eye health, heart health, plant-based, skin, skincare, vision

To mark World Environment Day 2022, the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) have developed a Practical Guide on how to live sustainably in harmony with nature. Here's a sample of the top 5 easy and practical things you can do today to live more sustainably.


In this blog, we talk about why WHO has acknowledged spirulina as a suitable and safe food choice for populations at risk of malnutrition, and the results from a study carried out in Tel Aviv exploring spirulina and malnutrition. Plus, other powerful properties of spirulina that help to support your optimal wellbeing. 

When taking supplements, you want to be sure that what you're putting in your body is of premium quality and effective. Where and how Spirulina is grown, the process it goes through to arrive at the most nutrient-rich final product matters. Here in this blog we explain what we do differently that makes Lifestream's Spirulina range so special. 

Spirulina is often a word you’ll have heard before, but what is this mysterious blue-green powder? And what is spirulina good for in terms of our overall health and wellbeing?

Read on and learn all about this nutritious energy supplement, including what spirulina is and its incredible benefit.

energy, Organic Spirulina, Spirulina

As we head into the Winter season, now's a good time to think about how we can start adding in steps to give extra support to our immune system as it starts to draw more nutrient stores to keep it going in the colder months. Naturopath Kim Wessels talks about factors that contribute to a weaker immune system, its impacts and practical steps we can take to help our body get back to optimal health.

Intermittent fasting is a dieting method that has recently grown in popularity, with claims that it can support weight loss and metabolic health, and maybe even extend life span. It’s popular for offering guidance over when to eat, not what.  

If you’ve ever looked into supplements, plant-based diets, or just healthier eating, you’ve probably heard the term ‘superfood’ - you’ll see it used in our articles too! It’s not a scientific term with set criteria, but it is a commonly agreed upon term for foods that stand out among others for their specific benefits.